The Firm offers its Italian and international Clients exhaustive legal counsel in European Union law. Our lawyers have leading expertise in this field and adopt an innovative, dynamic and multidisciplinary approach to help Clients achieve their objectives.
- The Firm has internationally-recognized expertise regarding the law governing free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, EU funding capture, public procurement, energy, transports, infrastructure and telecommunications. Our lawyers have a wealth of experience navigating administrative and judicial proceeding involving these matters, before both Italian and European authorities.
- The Firm offers exhaustive legal counsel for all aspects of competition law: vertical and horizontal anti-competitive agreements, mergers at national, European and international levels, abuse of dominant position, unfair commercial practices, State aids, as well as the preparation of antitrust compliance programmes.
- The Firm participates in research projects financed by EU Institutions, and carries out analyses and studies exploring diverse sectors of European interest, for Agencies and Public Administrations of several EU Member States.