Member of the Salamanca Bar since 2001.
Member of the Rome Bar since 2004.
Law Degree, University of Salamanca, 1994.
PhD in Civil Law with honours, University of Salamanca, 2002.
Research stays at the Private Law Institute of “La Sapienza” University of Rome, 1997-1998, and at the Unidroit, Rome, 2000-2001.
She mainly practices in the field of civil and commercial law, international contracts, including litigation and arbitration, assisting Italian and foreign clients and export credit insurance companies.
She has gained extensive experience in supporting the internationalisation of foreign companies in Italy.
Lecturer at seminars and conferences, in Spain and in various cities in China, on issues related to international trade and aspects of civil procedure in Italy.
Lecturer in Spanish Law, University of Buckingham, UK, 1995.
Research Fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, at University of Salamanca, 1995-1999.
Adjubct Professor of Civil Law, University of Salamanca, 1999-2000;
With the Firm since 2004.
MCIArb (Chartered Institute of Arbitration) since 2020.
Club Español del Arbitraje (CEA) since 2020.
- La nuova legge spagnola in tema di condizioni generali del contratto, in Contratto e Impresa/Europa, 1998, n. 2, pp. 790-812.
- La atribución judicial de la vivienda familiar en los supuestos de ruptura de las uniones de hecho, in Revista de Derecho Privado, 2000, pp. 155-174.
- El caso fortuito: su incidencia en las ejecución de las obligaciones. Doctrina y jurisprudencia, Pamplona, Aranzadi, 2004.
- La causa di esonero della responsabilità contrattuale nel Diritto Privato Europeo”, in Lezioni di Diritto Privato Europeo, a cura di G. Alpa e G. Capilli, Cedam, 2007, pp. 335 e ss.
- Italian
- Spanish
- English